WhatsApp click to chat is a useful feature mostly for web developers, companies and website owners. This feature allows people to chat with ...
WhatsApp click to chat is a useful feature mostly for web developers, companies and website owners. This feature allows people to chat with someone (through a link) on whatsapp without having their phone number saved in their contact list. This feature can be used on both Mobile and Desktop versions of whatsapp. You can prepare a link with pre-filled message and share it someone or add it to your website so that users can directly send you a message on whatsapp by clicking the link. Read the post completely while I show you the possibilities of using this feature..
Who Can Use ‘WhatsApp Click to Chat’ Feature :
- Website owners and Companies can create a link and share it on their contact page. And users can click on the link to directly chat with the company or website owner without the need of saving their number.
- You can also add a button in your posts where visitors can share their opinion by clicking on the button and send you a message on whatsapp.
- You can create a link for your visitors to join your broadcast by preparing a predefining message like ‘ADD ME’ or ‘SUBSCRIBE ME TO BROADCAST’.
How to Use ‘WhatsApp Click to Chat’ Feature :
Below are various formats to use this feature according to your requirement.
Create a Link to Begin a Chat with Certain Phone Number :
Replace the x with mobile number and 91 is the country code. (+) , (-) and spaces should not be included.
Create a Link to Send a pre-defined message to Certain Phone Number :
Replace the x with mobile number and 91 is the country code. (+) , (-) and spaces should not be included.
Create a Link to Send a pre-defined message to Multiple Contacts :
Example : https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=SUBSCRIBE ME TO BROADCAST
Hope you liked this post. If you love to receive these type of tricks, then join our whatsapp broadcast by clicking the below link (created using the same ‘click to chat’ feature’)
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