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How To Root Android Without Computer PC – 8 Tips Added

Today is the time to share a Complete guide on  How to jailbreak android to root without PC . As you knew that android phone can be rooted ...

Today is the time to share a Complete guide on How to jailbreak android to root without PC. As you knew that android phone can be rooted in many ways, either you can root your android using PC or  you can root android without computer

 1.About Framaroot for rooting your android mobile: 
Framaroot: This is the top-most app which comes on Rank 1 when we talk about rooting any phone without PC. This apk is listed on #1 in the list of apk to root without pc.This app has rooted most of the devices which support their algorithm.This app is a must try for every phone. Root android phone one click by using these apk to root without pc.

Framaroot allows you to root your android mobile easily without any kind of problem. This app even allows to root android without PC or Computer. Follow below methods to root your android mobile via Framaroot.
Steps to root without pc using Framaroot:
  1. Download Framaroot from above links which we have provided already.
  2. Install APK in your android phone and Open Framaroot from app drawer now.
  3. Simply, Click on Boromir and Wait until It does not show Su Installed successfully.

In case, It shows Exploit failed error, then you have to try any other app to root your android device without a computer.

2.About Universal Android Root to root android without pc:
Universal Android root: This app is very popular among root apk for purpose of root without pc. Just download these apk and install in your PC and you are ready to go. This is one of best app to root your android mobile from app builder Kingroot. If you unable to root your android mobile from above apps, then must give this app a try.
This is one of simplest method to root android mobile safely without the computer. Universal AndRoot is the basic android app which can root almost every device without any kind of problem. It is best Framaroot Alternative. Follow, below method to root android mobile using AndRoot.
Steps to root android without pc using Universal AndRoot:
  1. Just, Download Universal AndRoot from above link.
  2. Install it in your android mobile. (Make sure you have enabled Unknown Sources in settings).
  3. Now, Open Universal AndRoot from app drawer.
  4. Click on Root to begin rooting process.
Note: Before rooting your android phone make sure that you have selected correct Android version. Otherwise, it will not root your android phone.
3.About iRoot to root android without computer:
iRoot: iRoot is one of the best app to root android without computer. iRoot is one of popular apk to root without pc.Its a Chinese app, but there are many mods available of this app in English version. In many, last years, iRoot made a great position in rooting mobile phone without laptop or computer.iRoot is basically new upgraded version of iRoot.
iRoot is new application which can root and unroot android mobile easily without PC. Actually, the popular tool which was known as vRoot has updated its name to iRoot. Follow below steps to root your phone without pc.
Steps to root android phone without computer using iRoot:
  1. First of all, Download iRoot from above download button.
  2. Once, you have successfully download iRoot APK file.
  3. Tap on this file to install it in your android phone.
  4. So, now you have installed iRoot in your android mobile.
  5. Open iRoot application in your android phone.
  6. Tap on I Agree.
  7. Now, Simply click on Root button in the iRoot app.
  8. It will root your android phone successfully now.
4.About Z4Root to root your android phone without computer:
Z4 Root: This app is one of the oldest apps to root android without computer without any risk of hard brick of android mobile. This app can root almost every speadtrum chipset device with ease. So, if you owns android phone from manufacturing companies like Lava, Xolo, Micromax, Spice, then you must try this app to root your mobile.
So, We are back with another apps to root android phone without computer. Z4Root can easily root your android phone without pc easily. Just follow below methods to root without pc. Z4Root can easily root devices like Galaxy s, Xperia smartphones.
Steps for root without pc using Z4Root:
  1. Download Z4Root apk from above download button.
  2. Install Z4Root APK in your android phone.(Make sure that you have allowed Unknown Sources in Settings).
  3. Open Z4Root app in your android phone now.
  4. Click on Root button.
  5. Wait for couple of seconds to make sure that Z4Root has completed it’s job.
  6. Now, simply restart your android phone to root it without computer.
About TowelRoot to root android without pc:
Towel root : Using, Towel root , you can root most of the HTC devices like HTC One M7 without using PC. Just Click on Make it rain after installing this apk. Towel Root has good success rate in rooting android phone without computer. So, you must try Towel Root once to root android without computer.
Recently, We have got many comments that some methods are not working to root their android device. So, We have decided to update this post of root android without computer with some more methods to root without pc. Below app is known as Towel Root and follow below method.
5.Steps to root android without computer by TowelRoot:
  1. First of all, Take backup of your android device. So that, if you face any problem you can restore your precious data with ease.
  2. Download Towel Root from link which is given below.
  3. Once you have downloaded APK of Towel Root, Install it in your android device. (Make sure that you have allowed unknown sources in Settings).
  4. Open Towel Root and click on Make it Rain.
  5. Now, Just wait. It will take some minutes to install Su library in your android device.
6.About Baidu Root to root android without computer:
BaiduRoot is one of popular app which is available for both PC and mobile to root android phone. BaiduRoot can root almost every device (According to them, BaiduRoot supports more than 6000 devices currently). Moreover, Baidu Root has its own su permission which is different to SuperSU which is offered by other root APKs available for android phone currently.
Steps to root android phone without computer using Baidu Root:
  1. Download Baidu Root APK from above button.
  2. Install APK in your android phone now. (Before installing this APK, make sure you have enabled Unknown sources in settings).
  3. Open Baidu Root app now.
  4. Click on Root button now and wait till success bar reaches to 100%.
  5. Restart your android phone now and look for Baidu Root app in the app drawer now.
If there is Baidu Super user app available in the app drawer, then you have successfully rooted your android phone without computer.

Root Android without Computer using Easy Rooting Toolkit

7.About Easy Rooting Toolkit for root without pc:
Easy rooting toolkit app : This app is one of the most working app to root android without computer PC or laptop. This app can root almost every Sony device easily. Easy rooting toolkit will install busybox and su files in your android mobile as well. Though, this exploit is patched by most of device manufacturer but still you can give this app a try. Recently, Easy Rooting Toolkit has recently updated their app to V3.0 which has fixed many bugs and has added new devices like Xperia C2 , Xperia Z2 etc.
Steps to root android without pc with Easy Rooting toolkit:
  1. First of all Download Easy Rooting toolkit apk from above button.
  2. Now, Install this APK in your android mobile (Make sure Unknown sources is enabled into settings).
  3. Open app & Click on Root.
  4. Wait some seconds and when it shows Success message.
  5. Simply, restart your android mobile to check if you superuser app installed in your app drawer.

Root Android without PC using CF Auto Root

8.About CF Auto Root to root android without pc:
CF Auto root: CF Auto Root is new app to root android without computer or pc easily. This app by Chainfire can root your samsung android mobile without pc easily. As, recently I got many comments that they are not getting success in rooting their Samsung android mobile, So We Dreamy Tricks has added this new app which can root almost all Samsung mobiles. So for what you are waiting for? Try this apk to root without pc now.
Steps to root android without pc using CF Auto Root:
  1. First of all, Download CF Auto Root apk from above button.
  2. Install downloaded APK of CF Auto Root in your android mobile now. (Make sure unknown sources is enabled in the settings).
  3. Once you have successfully installed CF Auto Root, Open it.
  4. Click on Root my phone button.
After some minutes, restart your android mobile and check whether superuser app is showing in app drawer or not. If Super user app is showing then, you have successfully rooted your android phone.


  1. Can I root my android with marshmallow version. I really want this device to be custom by mine.

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TRICKS FOR HACKER: How To Root Android Without Computer PC – 8 Tips Added
How To Root Android Without Computer PC – 8 Tips Added
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