Hello Friends, Lets do a new trick to delete all messages from our FB account at one click. With all of your private Facebook communication ...
Hello Friends, Lets do a new trick to delete all messages from our FB account at one click. With all of your private Facebook communication now happening in the Messages area, clutter can build up quickly. Looking at the list of messages you'll see an option next to each one for Archiving. Unfortunately, this doesn't actually delete the message, it just removes it from the main list. If you want to permanently delete a message, you have to open the thread, click a button at the top and then delete.
Instead of visiting each message thread, check out Facebook Fast Delete Messages, a handy extension for Google Chrome and its really easy for all to remove messages from account.By this trick you able to delete such bulk messages and helps others too to delete there messages from there Facebook accounts. Here's how to get started:
- First you Must Open you Google Chrome Browser.
- You can use it in Firefox also but Chrome is better.
- Now install tempermonkey in your Google Chrome,
- Now simple install this user script in tempermonkey.
- Now simply restart your Google chrome browser.
- Now Login in your Facebook account open profile,
- Now click on friends in click on scrip,
- Just select all friends for remove it.
- You can delete also some friends.
- After select you can do it easily.
For Mozilla Firefox
- If are you using Mozilla Firefox then Install Greasemonkey .
- Now use same above method.
Note: Please note that this tutorial is solely for educational purpose and I am not responsible for any kind of illegal usage of this tutorial.