A hacker, or sometimes a team of hackers, who create computer malware all have at least one goal in common. That is to make it as difficult ...
A hacker, or sometimes a team of hackers, who create computer malware all have at least one goal in common. That is to make it as difficult as possible to remove a virus they create from your computer. Some hackers are very intelligent and spend countless hours brainstorming ways to hide corrupt files all throughout your computer, making removal extremely difficult
In order to remove a virus without software, you will most likely need to search online and download a long list of instructions. You will need to know your computer inside and out and have a good chunk of time to dedicate to the manual removal of a virus. However, if the virus that ails your computer is not all that malicious by relative comparison, a few generalized quick steps, listed below, may or may not do the trick.
Remove Computer Viruses, Using Command Prompt:
Step 1. First of all, click on Start and type cmd. Now right click on a cmd icon and select Run as administrator. Now command prompt window will open, now select your drive where you want to remove a virus.
Step 2. Let the drive be D. So now type “dir D: attrib -s -h /s /d *.*” and press enter.
Note: Capital D is the considered as the drive to be checked you can change the drive according to your needs.
Step 3. Now the command prompt will explore your selected drive and will load all the files on your drive.
Step 4. Now if you notice and unusual file.exe and any of autorun.inf then rename it with the command (rename filename.extension new filename)
That’s it! Now you can access your drives without affecting from viruses.
Using Online Scanner To Scan Your Files
VirusTotal is a free service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware.
Step 1. Go to www.virustotal.com from your favorite browser
Step 2. Now you need to scan the suspected files on Virustotal. (Max size is 128MB)
Step 3. In Virustotal, you can scan particular URL or even the whole site. For that, you just need to enter your suspected URL under “URL” in virustotal. After you have selected the files or URL now, you have to hit the “Scan it” button.
Same Process with Different Methods-
· Kaspersky Virus Desk (Files+Links)
· nodistribute.com (Files+Links)
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