Total Uninstall Total Uninstall is an advanced uninstaller with built-in powerful installation monitor that lets you capture every change m...
Total Uninstall
Total Uninstall is an advanced uninstaller with built-in powerful installation monitor that lets you capture every change made to your system. The program allows you to uninstall programs even without Windows Add Remove program. It analyzes existing installations if exist and creates a log with installation changes. You can compare the two snapshots and displays all changes in a graphical tree view, you can view what registry values that were changed, and view files that have been added, changed or deleted. So, if you decide to remove apps, Total Uninstall will reverse the changes to the previous state without any trash.
Total Uninstall Professional helps to monitor any changes made to your system and allows you to perform a complete uninstall without leaving unusable files or changes behind.
- Creates logs of all installed programs
- Uninstall any application completely
- Monitor changes in new installations
- Create backups and restore from backup
- Clean the system safely and securely
- Uninstall the software from the native OS
- And so much more.
How to install and activate??
- Disconnect from internet (most recommended)
- Extract and install the program (run Setup)
- Do not launch the program, exit if running
- Copy Cracked file from Crack to install directory where the program is installed
- Always block the program in your firewall! (Optional)
- Done! Enjoy
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